Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Review: Benefit Brow Zings & How to Look the Best at Everything

Benefit is a brand of makeup and skincare I've been using for years now. Me and my mum first bought one the little makeup set on a flight to Portugal when I was about 13 or 14. We tried it out and decided to test more of Benefit's products to see if they were just as good. Now at Christmas or on our birthday's we usually buy each other some kind of Benefit product because we both share a love of the brand.

For Christmas I was bought a new Brow Zings kit. It's kind of a regular Christmas present as I've been using it for the past 3 or 4 years now. I hate using eye pencils as I don't want to draw my eyebrows on or outline them, I just want to make them slightly darker but have them look natural at the same time. And with Brow Zings I find it does exactly that.

Brow Zings comes with 2 brushes, one is a hard angled brush whilst the other is used for blending. It has pigmented wax for shaping your eyebrows and darkening them, and powder for blending & colouring. The kit also comes with a small instruction manual (which isn't pictured) and a teeny tiny pair of tweezers that are perfect for stray hairs.

The kit comes in fair, medium and dark for all eyebrow colours. I usually use the medium colour and I find that the wax and powder are great to blend together. The result being a natural looking pair of well groomed eyebrows!

Another Benefit product I received for Christmas was the makeup kit called How to Look the Best at Everything. Basically the kit is shaped like a book and when you open it up it has miniature versions of Benefit's products. This also, - like Brow Zings, - has a step by step guide for how to apply the products for the best results.

I love the style of this particular kit. It's a size which can easily be popped into your handbag and the design is fantastic! I think it's because it looks like a book is the reason why I love it so much!

 How to Look the Best at Everything contains 4 of Benefit's finest makeup for flawless skin, including: the Porefessional primer, Hello Flawless Oxygen Wow foundation & powder, and 2 shades of the Boi-ing concealer.

The products also have numbers at the side, so when you open up the tips and tricks booklet (which also leads to the mirror) you have a guide on how to apply the makeup.

First is the Porefessional primer, which I absolutely love. I've used a miniature version of this before as it came free with Company magazine. It's brilliant for me as I have very open pores on my nose and cheeks which I hate. It definitely helps to hide/disguise them and doesn't clog the pores either.

Next is the Hello Flawless Oxygen Wow (the colour of mine is called I'm so Money Honey as I received the medium complexion kit). I first used this this morning actually, and fell in love with it. This has got to be the best foundation I have ever used, - and to be honest I've only ever used Maybelline's Dream Matte Mousse. The coverage is even and the foundation easily slides on to your skin. I couldn't believe how good it made my skin look as I have a cold at the moment so my skin is dry and covered in awful red marks with a shiny nose. When I put this on it took all my facial flaws away! I'm not saying it made my skin completely perfect but it covered it so well. I am definitely buying a large version of this!

After the foundation, there are 2 shades of Boi-ing, Benefit's probably most well known concealer. I usually use their Erasepaste for under my eyes but I always have dark circles which most concealers don't help. By blending these 2 shades together under my eyes it took away most of the darkness but there was still some left. However it was great at covering up some of the redness around my nose.

Last but not least, there's the Hello Flawless powder. I really like this as the brush makes it easy to apply and it helps keep all the other make up intact. It also covers up any shiny features which is a huge bonus. 

The step by step guide which comes within the kit was very useful. It may seem a little obvious to some people on how to apply the makeup, but if someone is new to Benefit without much knowledge of the products it's helpful. I also love that it covers the mirror as it stops it getting powder all over it and just looks so compact and cute.

So there we have it. These 2 Benefit makeup kits are definitely 2 of my favourite products (and Christmas presents) which I am very very happy with. 

If you're looking to buy a friend or family member something from Benefit for their birthday or for an exceedingly early Christmas present, Brow Zings or How to Look the Best at Everything are two fantastic little kits. 

Is Benefit a makeup brand you use often? Which are your favourite products? I'd love to find out what you've tried or recommend!


Sunday, 6 January 2013

New header!

I'm still faffling (love that term) around with my blog at the moment to get it to feel more 'me'. I wanted a pretty header with the name of my blog in or around it. So after some good old Googling, I found Shabby Blogs which supplies some excellent backgrounds/headers/dividers etc for bloggers. After a good old nosey I found an excellent header which is the one I'm currently using and I absolutely love it!

Thankyou Shabby Blogs!

A Tale of Two Cities

Tomorrow morning I'll be on my way back to Lincoln for the second semester of second year. I honestly can't believe that I'm now over halfway through my degree. The thought that I need to decide in less than a year what will happen after I graduate is pretty scary to say the least!

I'm writing this blog post to say how great it is to live in two cities. I mean I do love Sheffield but I'm so so glad I decided to move away for university. The independence that comes with living away from home is fantastic. It definitely makes me appreciate how wonderful my family are when I do come back or they visit me in Lincoln. 

By going to university and moving away I've also met some lovely people and built friendships for life. I just can't imagine what it would be like if I didn't get into the University of Lincoln. My journalism course is amazing & the staff and other students I work with are so friendly. Lincoln itself is a beautiful city with everything in walking distance (no expensive bus journeys), so it makes popping into town a quick and easy 5 minute wander. 

Moving on from gushing about Lincoln... The only thing I dislike about living in Sheffield and Lincoln is the change over from one to another. Going home for the weekend is a nice break sometimes, but when Sunday evening comes around and I'm about to leave for my train back to uni; it feels like I've barely been home at all! 

With it being Christmas, I came home about a month ago and I've really settled into being in Sheffield. Celebrating the holidays with my family and friends here has been great, and now I don't want to leave, even though I know I need to. 

I should actually finish this post soon. It's just babbley paragraph after babbley paragraph! And right now I should be trying to ram more clothes into my already heaving suitcase but instead decided to write this. I swear I've re-kindled so much love for some of my old clothes that I don't really need (oops)! 

Anyway if I manage to get my suitcase back to my uni house in one piece I'll be happy! See you on the other side Lincoln! 

Are any of you guys university students going back for the second term? If you are do you feel the same way that I do or are you always really excited to go back to uni after Christmas? 


Review: Sweet Lips lip scrub

Having dry skin is awful, but having dry lips is even worse. Cold weather really effects your lips so plenty of lip balm & lip scrub is a must; especially in Winter.

I've seen so many reviews of Lush's lip scrubs. Last year I tried the limited edition Pow Wow lip scrub, which was lime flavoured with popping candy! Amazing. The lip scrubs do work quite well, but after you apply them it's best to put on lip balm for extra effect. 

This winter a lot of blogs have been talking about this year's limited Christmas edition, which is called Popcorn and obviously is scented like popcorn. After positive reviews I decided to go and check it out myself. When I went into Lush I was going to buy Popcorn, but after smelling and testing the others I decided Sweet Lips was the lip scrub for me.

Sweet Lips has a lovely chocolate flavour that isn't too sickly or overpowering. You rub it into your lips then lick it off, - and believe me, - it's so more-ish! The price of the scrub is £5.25, which I must admit I find a little excessive. It's fairly easy to make your own lip scrub, but if you don't have the time to make one, the Lush ones are perfect. They do last a long time, so really they are worth the price. 

Have you used Lush lip scrubs before? Do you think they're worth the money or would you prefer to try and make your own?


Saturday, 5 January 2013

Christmas, New Year and a birthday!

Okay here I am saying I'll update this blog more and so far I've been pretty rubbish at it! Sorry everyone!

Christmas and New Year haven't been massively busy for me but it's been great spending time with my friends back here in Sheffield. A few of them go to university here and have flats in the city centre so we've been hanging out there a fair bit. I can't get over how amazing Sheffield student accommodation is! One of my friends even has a doorbell for his flat (is it sad that I'm very impressed by this?).

Moving on from the delights of doorbells... How was everyone's Christmas? Ours is usually a small family meal so this year it was just my parents, my nan, my uncle & myself. My mum was quite ill but insisted on cooking everything herself without any help bless her. Christmas dinner was delicious as usual. Everyone's plate was empty by the end! I got some beautiful gifts which I adore and am very grateful for.

For New Year's Eve, my friend Luke from Lincoln decided to come and celebrate so a group of us all went out. It turned out to be a lovely night and a great way to see 2012 come to a finish. New Year's day we went for a Wagamama's (HEAVEN) and wandered around Meadowhall. I felt so sorry when he had to travel the 2 hour journey home though!

Yesterday was my birthday and I turned the big two zero. 20! I can't believe it. I swear I'm still 18... I spent the day with my oldest friend just having a laugh, then went out later. The theme was supposed to be dressing as elderly ladies (as I'm usually compared to one due to my love of tea and cats) but only me and one friend had the guts. It was pretty funny having people ask us why we had rollers in, but after a while we decided to take them out (trying to dance with them in is not fun). It was a pretty decent birthday to be honest!

I hope you all had a fantastic New Year! Have you made any resolutions and broken them already? I usually make a few but decided not to as I know I'll break them all in 5 seconds... I wonder if anyone has actually managed to keep one for the entire year! If you know anyone who has let me know and I'll give them a medal haha!

Anyway I shall finish this post with some photos from the last few weeks.

Beautiful lights 

Found a spectacular jumper in Cow

New Year's Eve with James & Luke

Bungalows & Bears

The family (minus my dad as he took this)

Silly boys being silly