Friday, 28 June 2013


It's always nice to treat ourselves right? Well with that thought in mind I plodded into Lincoln town centre the other day to see what I could find. Actually that last sentence is kind of a lie...  I went into town fully knowing what I was going to buy: lipbalm.

What I was going into town to look for was in fact a Balmi Cube/Sphere. Many of the bloggers I follow seem to love them (Louise from Sprinkle of Glitter and Lily from etcllymlrs in particular), and I always seem to lose or misplace lip balms or forget about them.

It after seeing Lily's recent post about the new shape of the product that I was drawn to Balmi. The fact that the product is designed for quick and easy application makes it perfect for me; as well as the fact that you can apply it straight to your lips without having to dip your fingers in the pot (making it more hygienic).

I was both delighted and surprised when I found 3 different flavours of the lip balm in the Lincoln Boots, and after spending 5 minutes deciding whether I wanted raspberry, strawberry or coconut; I went with the latter.

On the first try of Balmi I found my lips were softer for longer after application. This softness lasted for a least 3 or 4 hours. The coconut scent of the balm wasn't overpowering, and was just subtle enough for me.

At £4.99 the Balmi Cube is a fairly expensive product, however, it contains Vitamin E, shea butter and jojoba oil for lovely smooth lips. I'd definitely recommend it as a lip balm and may purchase a few more!

Have you tried Balmi? What do you think of the design/idea?


Monday, 24 June 2013

The Past Few Weeks in Instagram Form (1)

I promised I'd keep up with blogging and so far I have a fair bit to write about. As I type this, I have a couple of ideas lined up and will be writing these up in a post soon.

Anyway, the past few weeks have included being bored to a crisp, to working at a festival... Here it is explained with a few Instagram pictures (as everyone knows too much text gets a little dull).

After finishing university things felt a little slow. I had applied for several work placements over summer but had found out all of them were already full. A little disappointed and annoyed, I began to search around for other opportunities to  take up some of my spare time. A couple of people from my university (one of them being my housemate) had applied to volunteer at Sheffield's annual documentary festival. I love anything media related and after looking at positions on the website decided to apply for a cinema steward. Being a cinema steward meant as well as working you could watch the screenings too (what could be better?!)

I can't even begin to say how much I enjoyed working at the doc fest. The people I worked with were lovely and the screenings were excellent! Two of my favourite documentaries shown were The Man Whose Mind Exploded (amazingly hilarious) and Project Wild Thing. Sadly I missed most of Project Wild Thing as I had popped out to get food but watched it online later on. The director was adorable, it was his premiere of the documentary so he was extremely nervous and kept pacing around. However, the audience loved his work and the amount of cheers and applause brought him to tears. It was amazing to see how overwhelmed he was by the reactions and to be a part of that was probably my favourite part of the week. 

I could go on about the doc fest for this entire post but I'll stop myself. Overall the fest was a wonderful way to get some work experience and enjoy yourself at the same time. I'm definitely going back next year!

Now onto the photos...

             My uniform and free badges        Waiting in The Forum to get pierced              Pretty bellini

         Ugly shoe purchases are the best      Home made vegan cheesecake     Seeing what my hair looks like up

After the doc fest finished, I spent the past week organising my dissertation work (eek), buying ugly pretty creepers and baking vegan cheesecake. Now I am currently in Lincoln getting ready to move out of my second year house. Although I will miss my small but sweet second year house I'm looking forward to moving into the third year one as it's three floors with 3 bathrooms and huuuuuuuuuuuge! I'll be doing a post soon about my second year bedroom (as I'm really going to miss it) so keep watch.

How have your holidays been (if you're a university student that is)?


Thursday, 20 June 2013

Keep It On Wax

*Clicking on the photos links to original source and artist.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013


As most of you may already know, GFC will be gone on the 1st of July. However I'm still available to follow on Bloglovin. There's a button on the side of my blog now so it's easy to find.

Also hopefully soon I'll be able to take better photos for my blog. The quality of my photos so far hasn't been good but in a couple of weeks I'll be getting a Canon so yay for higher quality pictures!


Origins Skin Samples

Origins is one of my favourite skin care brands. I was first introduced to their products by my mum as she's a   big fan of their moisturisers.

The brand say that their mission is to 'create high-performance natural skincare that is powered by nature and proven by science'. All of their products contain organic ingredients and they are all animal friendly, so they already win my vote.

To be honest Origins products are fairly pricey... And if you are a student like myself you might not be able to afford to buy them regularly.

However, a few weeks ago after wandering around Boots in Meadowhall for a cheap lip pencil I decided to have a nosey at the Origins stand when I was approached by the consultant.. She began telling me about the products in general and asked me my skin type; then offered to give me 3 free samples of any product I wanted to try.

I decided to test out 2 products I had tried before and one new one for dry/combination skin.

First I chose an old favourite called Drink Up. Drink Up is an intensive 10 minute mask which is said to 'quench skin's thirst'. This mask is perfect for anyone suffering with dry skin; especially on the cheeks. It makes your skin lovely and soft as soon as you apply it. The smell of the mask is my favourite thing about it as its a gorgeous apricot scent.

The second product I decided to test again was the GinZing eye cream. I'd used this once or twice before but not properly, so it was nice to have a little pot to try. The GinZing eye cream is designed to brighten the eye area and get rid of bags. This eye cream is perfect for me as I always get dark circles under my eyes. After massaging it gently under the eyes, you can instantly see the difference. I'd definitely recommend this to those looking to get rid of dark circles and puffy eyes.

The last product I decided to test was the Make a Difference Plus+ rejuvenating moisturiser in dry/combination skin. I sometimes suffer with quite dry skin on my cheeks and forehead so this was perfect to try. The moisturiser soaked in to my skin like a dream and kept it lovely and soft. Also, if you have extremely dry skin or oily/combination skin there are also two other versions of Make a Difference Plus+. 

If you want to test some samples from Origins, get down to your nearest counter and ask. It really is that simple. I found the staff there welcoming and wanting the best for my skin. The consultant will give you a sort of brochure about the various sample products you can try. You can take the brochure in repeatedly and get 3 samples each time. 

I'd definitely recommend everyone to give Origins a try. Yes, some of the products are fairly expensive, but they are great value. 

Have you tried Origins before? If so what is your favourite product?


Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Back With a Vengeance

Hello everyone. So after promising last time I'd post a lot more often it kind of went to plot and I disappeared again... I'm sorry I've been really neglectful to my blogspot lately. There are no excuses whatsoever. Life has just stopped me from blogging & has kept me busy. University, friends, family, coursework etc all make me forget I have this little blog.

BUUUUUUUUT... Now it's the holidays and I do ACTUALLY have time to blog and time to REMEMBER to blog.

Hopefully in the next few days more posts will be popping up & neglectful blogger Alice will soon be unheard of!

Let me know if there are any suggestions for posts I can do.
