What I was going into town to look for was in fact a Balmi Cube/Sphere. Many of the bloggers I follow seem to love them (Louise from Sprinkle of Glitter and Lily from etcllymlrs in particular), and I always seem to lose or misplace lip balms or forget about them.
It after seeing Lily's recent post about the new shape of the product that I was drawn to Balmi. The fact that the product is designed for quick and easy application makes it perfect for me; as well as the fact that you can apply it straight to your lips without having to dip your fingers in the pot (making it more hygienic).
I was both delighted and surprised when I found 3 different flavours of the lip balm in the Lincoln Boots, and after spending 5 minutes deciding whether I wanted raspberry, strawberry or coconut; I went with the latter.
On the first try of Balmi I found my lips were softer for longer after application. This softness lasted for a least 3 or 4 hours. The coconut scent of the balm wasn't overpowering, and was just subtle enough for me.
At £4.99 the Balmi Cube is a fairly expensive product, however, it contains Vitamin E, shea butter and jojoba oil for lovely smooth lips. I'd definitely recommend it as a lip balm and may purchase a few more!
Have you tried Balmi? What do you think of the design/idea?
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