Tuesday, 26 August 2014

New Beginnings

It's been a long time since I've written a blog post on Alice and the Rose. A very very long time. For that I'm sorry. Third year sort of took over and I pushed the blog back.

The excuse of university isn't enough really. One of my projects was to create a website and write articles every few days, and that kind of stifled the writing on here. As well as that I also felt like I couldn't determine what to write on Alice and the Rose. 

I must admit that I didn't (and still don't) feel that this blog isn't up to my own standards. I feel like some of my posts were things I'm genuinely passionate about and love, but some posts were me just following the blogging crowd. 

I have missed blogging, and in the next few weeks I will try and get back into it. I just need to figure out how I really want my blog. So here's hoping Alice and the Rose will have a new look and feel about it!

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